The African Council of Optometry and the Tanzania Optometric Association
bring you the
AFCO/TOA Annual Scientific
Conference & AGM 2022
Julius Nyerere International Convention Centre
Dar es salaam - Tanzania
14th-15th July 2022
Conclude your conference attendance with Zanzibar day tour on 16th July 2022 (paid separately)

Tanzania's Premier Optometry Event
Conference Countdown
We are honored to welcome you all to Dar es salaam, the Commercial City of Tanzania and a home to our AFCO/TOA Annual Scientific Conference and AGM. Our conference features 10 individual, 1 hour scientific lectures. Each lecture carries 2 CDP points allowing optometrists to collect 20 CPD points.
The world of optometry is an exciting, challenging and rewarding arena, therefore, AFCO and TOA continues to bring inspired people together in forums like this, to ensure our profession remains at the cutting edge throughout the continent of Africa.
Our lectures this year will focus on the United Nations' Vision for Everyone by 2030 initiative which was declared in July last year.
It is our hope you will find this conference educative, informative and interesting.
Welcome to Dar es salaam! - Karibu Dar es salaam!
Looking forward to seeing you at the conference!
Conference Registration Fees; international degates US$ 100, local delegates 150,000Tsh. Delegates are expected to meet all their own travel and accommodation costs.
Our Sponsors

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